Indian organised retailing which is growing by an annual 20 per cent,opening India's market to foreign players will not only help consumers but also the small kirana stores. It will reduce wastage across the food supply chain and strengthen the country's position as a sourcing hub besides increasing employment. They will also benefit unorganised trade. After some sustained political pressure from opposition and its allies (TMC and AIADMK) Government as usual cave in and decided to have all-party meet by holding back entry of FDI in Retail and Multiretail formats today. By doing this UPA Govennment once again proved how weak and spineless it is when it comes to harsh but common man friendly policy implementation decision.
After showing some sensitivity towards farmers and common mans' plight due to inflation burder, Government allowed 100% FDI in retail chains and 51% multi-retail chains. Further, it supplemented decision with another sensible move by asking these chains to procure 30% from Indian SMSEs' which will bolsten our manufacturing sector with much needed technology and monetary power. Strong lobbying from trader association across states ( Mom-n-Pop store contributes Rs.60,000crs to UPs' revenue) halted not only wheel of progress but once again plight of farmers and Common man for win-win deal got thwarted out.
Dear Mr.Prime Minister should we take it as "One step forward towards realizing comman man's dreams and Two step back by bringing same common man grounded for realty check of how spineless your elected government is and more than getting concerned about your plight government is concerned about its 5-years stay at Delhi !
After showing some sensitivity towards farmers and common mans' plight due to inflation burder, Government allowed 100% FDI in retail chains and 51% multi-retail chains. Further, it supplemented decision with another sensible move by asking these chains to procure 30% from Indian SMSEs' which will bolsten our manufacturing sector with much needed technology and monetary power. Strong lobbying from trader association across states ( Mom-n-Pop store contributes Rs.60,000crs to UPs' revenue) halted not only wheel of progress but once again plight of farmers and Common man for win-win deal got thwarted out.
Dear Mr.Prime Minister should we take it as "One step forward towards realizing comman man's dreams and Two step back by bringing same common man grounded for realty check of how spineless your elected government is and more than getting concerned about your plight government is concerned about its 5-years stay at Delhi !
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